This blog contains poetry written by Stephen Stacey. Feel free to explore and read all the poetry you want. I encourage you to leave comments concerning your reaction to any given poem.

This site and all my poetry is dedicated to my lovely wife Emily.

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Progression

That which fills the void,
That which needs be understood
Yet cannot be defined,
Give it glory.
Let praise its justice work
Until it is decorated with a thousand compliments,
Glittering in the limelight like mail.
Obscurity does them no justice,
These flowers of the cave.
Try to accompany them, if you can.
You add to their height
As much as any other of their shadows.
But the pressure of pain can impede their proposal:
The progress of all save but a few.
Greater than these may have fallen.
The mystery that vexes the ages is this:
Will greater rise up?

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